kristie mooney
Kristie Mooney
Kristie Mooney has a B.A. in Clothing, Textiles and Related Arts from O.S.U. She works in Water Media and is best known for her Watercolor Batiks.
Kristie is a Signature member of NWS, WFWS, NWWS, and WSO. She teaches Workshops at Oregon Society of Artists, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology and in her studio. She has recently been chosen for the Artists Magazine-Splash 25 The Best of Watercolor. Her work has been exhibited in a wide selection of galleries, has participated in international shows and her paintings are in public and private collections throughout the U.S.
My creativity comes from observing the beautiful scenery around me. I live on the Clackamas River surrounded by landscapes of flowers, trees, birds, and water. I am constantly inspired by the way light filters through the lush greenery we have in the Pacific Northwest.Recent Travel throughout Europe, Canada and Mexico has opened a whole new world of creativity that I try to bring to my paintings. I try to capture special moments with my camera-the light, the textures, the colors, the mood- and recreate them in my studio. Always with the intent, as a painter, to show something in a way that has not been seen before.
I want people to like my work but more importantly I want viewers to spend time with my work, to look at it more closely and contemplate the narrative of it, to travel to the place and time that I have painted.
BA in Clothing Textiles and Fine Arts. OSU
Post Graduate Art Studies-
Water Media Workshops and classes under some of the greatest Watercolorists influencing the media today. Lian Quan Zhen, Soon Y Warren, Chien Chung Wei, Alvaro Castagnet, Jean Haines, Fred Graff, Bev Jozwiak, Carol Carter, Joan Fullerton, Judy Morris, Karen Knutson, Sandy Maudlin, Kay Barnes, Chris Stubbs, Rene Eisenbart, Suzie Cowan, Ruth Armitage, Anji Grainger, Harold Walkup, Michael Orwick and Jean Pederson.
Art Organizations-
National Watercolor Society-NWS Signature Member
Northwest Watercolor Society-NWWS Signature Member
Oregon Society of Artists-Former Board Member
Watercolor Society of Oregon-Board Member-WSO Signature Member
Western Federation Watercolor Society-Signature Member
Lake Area Artists of Lake Oswego-LAA
Painters Showcase of Portland-PSC
Art Awards-
Uma Thurman Award-LAA 2023-
Artist of Distinction-PSC 2023
Artist of Distinction-OSA 2023
1st Place-Oregon Society of Artists Rose Festival-2019
1st Place- L.O. Festival of the Arts-2017
1st Place-SIAG-2015
1st Place-SIAG-2014
Best of Show SIAG-2014
Purchasing Award SAIG-2014,2015
Several 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mentions
Purchases of her Artwork can be seen traveling in Public Museum Collections or purchased by Private Collectors.
Kristie is best known for Watercolor Batiks and when asked to describe the process she explains
“When creating a Batik on rice paper I combine many colors and watch it mingle through the fibers of the rice paper. The wax is applied in layers and once I achieve the intensity of the color I’m looking for, The entire painting is covered in wax. Next, I carefully crinkle the wax and rice paper and run dyes through the cracks. Every piece is unique.”
Kristie teaches Watercolor Batik Workshops throughout the Northwest.